Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Cartoon by Latuff

Zero tolerance for imperialist invaders


“My heart is a stork
Perched on a distant dome in Baghdad.
Its nest made of bones
Its sky of death.”

Sinan Antoon, Iraki poet

Some time ago I confronted a young American soldier who was giving me the middle finger for protesting against the U.S.-U.K.-led plunder war on and criminal occupation of Irak in front of the U.S. embassy here in Tokyo. I had asked him why he was going to kill people who had done him no harm. He answered that for him being a soldier was just a job and that it put food on the table. So, I just started throwing things at him, anything I could lay my hands on.

Now, am I supposed to feel sorry for that degenerate if he gets killed in Irak? Never. Good riddance. I often hear how poor young Americans from working class families join the army to escape poverty at home in the U.S. They join the U.S. army so that after they’ve served their greedy country they could afford a college education. So, let me get this straight; the poor young American soldier goes to Irak, among other places, to kill innocent Irakis so that he or she could afford a better life back home in the U.S. He or she kills a young Iraki so that they could go to college. Is this some kind of this joke?! And it is even worse if that poor young American soldier actually makes it back home and has a better life thanks to the Irakis he killed. I feel no sorrow at all for the dead American soldiers.
On the contrary, and I don’t like it, I rejoice every time I hear a U.S. sokdier was killed by the Iraki resistance. They, the U.S. soldiers, are the ones killing innocent Irakis so that the West and Japan could get cheap or close to free oil. I wouldn’t feel sorry for them even after I am done feeling sorry for the millions and millions os victims of U.S., Western imperialism. Am I supposed to feel sorry for the raped and the rapist? How am I supposed to feel sorry for someone who’s trying to make one’s life better by killing innocent people? How about I ask the West to feel sorry for the poor young German soldiers who rampaged through Europe during WW2? Or the poor young German soldiers working at Auschwitz as camp guards or escorting Jews to gas chambers and crematoriums? Those German soldiers were young, poor, ignorant, innocent, deceived, misled, lied to…..they didn’t know about Hitler’s plans. Most of them just wanted to escape poverty and misery in Germany. Hell, they even have a better excuse for not knowing what was really going on than today’s U.S. soldiers who at least have the advantages offered by highly developed information technology which didn’t exist during WW2.

So, when I am told that the poor young American soldier didn’t know what he was getting into, that he was deceived, misled…. All I can say is: give me a break. So was the young SS. What infuriates me is the people on the Left, their shyness, cowardice when it comes to condemning the rape of Irak. They condemn the war but at the same time they also deplore the deaths, for the sake of political correctness, of the poor young American soldiers who kill, beat, humiliate, rape Irakis, plunder and destroy Irak and camps like Abu Ghraib. The problem of the people on the Left is that they are trying to please everyone. They are being careful not to alienate the public, the notoriously indifferent Western public, at large so they sympathize with innocent poor American soldiers who are supposedly dying needlessly in Irak, the poor young American soldiers who have so far killed more than 500 000 thousands innocent Irakis. According to some sources it could be close to 1 million. This reminds me of another Iraki poem by Sinan Antoon:

“To an Iraqi Infant”
“Don’t be afraid
We’ll arrange your bones
Which ever way you want
And leave your skull
Like a flower on top.”

Why sympathize with or feel sorry for the enemy? The U.S. soldiers and all the vultures that have followed them are the enemy. The Left in the West must embrace the Iraki resistance and give it its full and unconditional support because this is a classic case of imperialist attack carried out by the enlightened West. The invaders and occupiers must be driven out of Irak by any means necessary. All those who took part in this supreme international crime must be, and will be, kicked out of Irak, dead or alive, I don’t care. To me, personally, a good American soldier is one returning home in a body bag from wherever he or she had been extending imperialism. The other day I watched yet another 4 or 5 minute film on a news website called Information Clearing House. Young American soldiers shooting an Iraki dog and laughing because the poor animal just wouldn’t die, it just kept trying to stand up and they kept shooting it, kicking Iraki prisoners, killing, by mistake of course, Iraki civilians riding in a car and accompanying every killing with more laughter, swearing and cursing.

But I guess, they were just following orders. So was Eichmann. During WW2, when most of Europe was under Nazi occupation, was it wrong of the French resistance or the Partisans in Yugoslavija, where I come from, to ambush convoys of young German soldiers and kill them all? No. During the imperialist occupation of Vietnam by the U.S., was it wrong of the Vietnamese resistance to kill the American invaders? No. Or the Korean or the Chinese resistance fighters killing the Japanese invaders who were trying to liberate Asia just like what Uncle Sam is trying to do in the Arab world, you know, trying to liberate the Arabs from their oil., so, was it wrong to kill Hirohito’s dogs? No. Is it wrong of the Palestinian resistance fighters to kill the U.S.-West Europe-backed Israeli imperialist invaders? No.

This asking a question and answering it myself, I learned it from Donald Rumsfeld. These are just a few examples of great, heroic resistance. So, what’s wrong with the Iraki’s resistance killing the U.S. invaders in order to drive them out of Irak? Nothing. Those so-called poor, young U.S. soldiers have joined the U.S. army voluntarily. Nobody forced them. They chose that job. They live in the most democratic country in the world, the beacon of freedom. I know, I know, they were naïve, they were fooled, they were forced to join by poverty….bla, bla, bla…..but I do not care. If they want to do something about their poverty, they should put up a fight against their government, the U.S. government, against their country, inside the U.S. They could use Timothy McVeigh as their inspiration and guiding star instead of going around the world killing, plundering, destroying, raping.

The U.S.-led coalition of the willing to kill for oil, the U.S.-led coalition of terrorists will be kicked out of beautiful Irak. The invaders, the thieves, the murderers will leave bloodied noses. They will be kicked out of Irak by the Iraki people resistance just like any other imperialist dogs throughout history.
As for calling the Iraki resistance terrorism, in the words of Nizar Qabbani, the Arab world’s poet of love:

“I am with terrorism
With all my poetry, with all my words,
And all my teeth, as long as this
New world is in the hands of a butcher.”

Cartoon by Latuff

Brkic Sulejman

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