Friday, June 3, 2011

The Civilized Barbarian

The Civilized Barbarian

« If you really want to put an end to terrorism, you have to begin by no longer participating in it.” Noam Chomsky….or more sharply, “stop killing their babies.” As put by Georgia state law professor Natsu Saito.

From the book: on the Justice of
Roosting Chickens by Ward Churchill

A civilized barbarian, that’s what the West reminds of. For some, this piece may just be about double standards but it’s not. What the West is doing and saying and telling others to do is beyond the all-too-quickly used term: double standards. Well beyond. There is no standard in Western criminal capitalist foreign policy. It’s really what G. Bush, the senior criminal, said once: “What we say goes.”

I bought the paper today here in Tokyo to see what’s going on in the world according to the lackeys in the mass media. It seems that all the evil, the barbarism, the backwardness, the terrorism in the world come from and are located over there…you know… in the Arab world, Africa, southeast Asia, China, Iran…pretty much anything outside the greedy G8. And it is all too conveniently situated around oil fields and anything that is coveted by the ravenous West. It’s everyday like this. If one is not cautious, one might believe that the West is under siege by barbarians.

A couple of Western leaders, at Sarkozy’s invitation, get together and Libya is being bombed at will (to liberate its people….of their oil). In the paper it says that NATO jets blasted Libya’s capital. Another article is about Switzerland ordering Assad’s assets to be frozen. The Syrian president is also banned from traveling to or through Switzerland, according to government decree. Pathetic little Switzerland! Ha!

Netanyahu, the leader of the only democratic apartheid regime in the Middle East that is holding the whole of the Palestinian population in a prison camp, is treated to standing ovations from U.S. lawmakers for saying that he is ready to make “painful compromises” to achieve historical peace. Painful? I guess for that pathetic little Zionist just pronouncing Palestinian is painful.
Insult upon injury upon insult upon injury….

Another piece says: “Watchdog reports Sudan ‘war crimes’.
But what about Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan?


Lars von Trier says that Israel is busting our balls and the West goes into uproar…he is kicked out of Cannes .

U.S. navy SEALS barge into a sovereign country, Pakistan, assassinate a man and leave. In 1989, the USA attack a sovereign country, Panama, kidnap its president, kill thousands in the process and leave. US drones bomb indiscriminately all over Afghanistan killing entire innocent families and nobody is ever held responsible for these crimes, charged, brought to court…Israel rampages through Palestine, sea, land, sky….not even a slap on the wrist…

The West, silence…….

Anyone and anything that resists the West’s plunder of the rest of our world is put on the terror list made by…..the West.
Don’t you think it’s getting worse? The impunity is appalling. The West is shameless. And it is all probably due to Western economic decline…the monster has become desperate.

I have to say that the news of the death of Osama Ben Laden made me a bit sad. Although I doubt that we could have sat down to chat over a beer, he made more sense to me that any of the sleazebag Western leaders. His grievances were legitimate.
But then, who knows, maybe he is not dead….maybe he is with Elvis…

For fun’s sake, can anyone try to imagine the Arab League putting a special force commando team together and sending it to Texas to assassinate G.W. Bush on his ranch? The action would be legitimate at least in this case since the U.S.-U.K.-led war on Iraq, in which more than a million Iraqis have been killed for oil so far, was declared illegal by the former UN chief Kofi Annan.

I’m writing from Japan, near Tokyo, and you all know what happened here in March and is still going on. Personally, I am rejoicing. The Japanese capitalist economy has been badly damaged. We on the Left all want the demise of capitalism, right? Well? To me it doesn’t matter how it happens. Hell, I hope it gets worse! Because, to be honest, I am not putting much faith anymore into the organizational skills of the Western Left. I’d rather rely on natural disasters. They are much more radical and serious.

As for Japan, in case you didn’t know, this is a fascist country. It has always been on the wrong side of History. Always. It has supported every single US military criminal adventure of plunder (not to mention its History before and during ww2). In the mist of its own recent tragedy, monster earthquake, monster tsunami and nuclear reactor explosions, this pathetic little country actually found the time to vote for the UN resolution to bomb Libya. At least, this time, it could have abstained. That’s when I thought Japan…to the flames!
And do not send any donations to Japan. They have the money. They have stolen more than enough. Send them to Haiti or the Hamas in Gaza instead. That’s what I did.

Now you might say I should be careful to separate the people from the government. No, I don’t want to. I do not care. Does the West do that when it goes bombing around the world in pursuit of happiness? Shall we ask the Iraqis, the Afghans, the Palestinians…? Shall we talk about the daily “collateral damage”?
Earlier I mentioned indiscriminate Western military terrorism. Don’t even get me started on its daily economic and cultural terrorism against anyone or anything daring to resist its greed.

Enough is enough!

So, here is my point loud and clear, from the bottom of my heart, in the words of the late Nazir Qabbani, the poet of love: I am with terrorism of the oppressed!

“I am with terrorism
As long as the new world order
Wants to slaughter my off-spring
And send them to dogs.
For all this
I raise my voice high:
I am with terrorism
I am with terrorism
I am with terrorism…..
Nizar Qabbani / London, 15 Nisan (April) 1997
Link to full poem:

I am with terrorism of the oppressed by the gluttonous West because, as I.R. Sanchez said once, an attack is a test of truth and also a message of hope for all the forgotten in the ghettos of capitalism and the refugee camps.

Now, to the “peace-loving” Westerner and Japanese who might read this piece and find it shocking, outrageous, offending or just plain stupid and might be tempted to send me a comment…don’t bother…I am not interested in arguing, debating with you or anything you have to say…unless you agree with me and the hundreds of millions of the wretched barbarians whose sufferings are the pillars of Western comfort.
I am not open to discussion.
I do not agree to disagree.

Hey Westerner and you westernized Japanese, here is a poem that speaks directly to you, especially the end:

WAITING FOR THE BARBARIANS by Constantine P. Cavafy (1904) :

Brkic Sulejman

Friday, January 14, 2011

Palestine, The Third World and the West

GAZA, the West doesn’t care

“I place an ear on the belly of
This moment
I hear wailing
I place it on another moment
-The same!”

Sinan Antoon, Iraki poet
Cairo, May-June 2003

I read a news headline on the Internet “The world is in uproar”, “Worldwide anger” over what’s happening in Gaza, Palestine and I can’t help wonder: What world?
It must be coming from the non-G7 world. An uproar and real anger from the heart can only come from the third world, from those peoples who themselves are still trying to get the rapacious and greedy West off their backs. They are the ones always there with their great shows of solidarity. Because if the uproar is not coming from the third world then that leaves the West, and a Western uproar leaves a lot to be desired.

It seems that that U.S.-West Europe propped up democratic apartheid enclave of settlers called Israel and built in Palestine on stolen land from the Palestinians is at it again. Actually, it has been at it, to protect Western oil interests and despite the strongest Western uproars, for the past 91 years. As for stolen Palestine, Moshe Dayan (the Israeli Defence Minister) addressing the Israeli institute of Technology, Haifa, quoted in Ha’aretz on April 4th, 1969, admits:
“Jewish villages were built in place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist, not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either. Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushu’a in the place of Tal al-Shuman. There is not one single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population.”

Now, I don’t know how to take that Western uproar anymore. Is it the same kind of uproar that the West expressed when the Taliban started destroying those two Bamiyan Buddhas statues in 2001 in Afghanistan? A stronger uproar than when the Afghan people themselves started being bombed by the U.S. I remember the West being shocked, even more than by what’s happening in Gaza, Palestine, that the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art even proposed to the Taliban to send a team to Afghanistan to remove the sculptures and airlift and transport them to safety (to New York?). I too kind of felt it was a pity to destroy them but my younger brother Daniel told me: “F… those stones! Why isn’t the West so quick to react and airlift to safety people being slaughtered like in Rwanda in 1994 where close to 1 million Tutsis and moderate Hutus were hacked to death by extremist Hutus? Not only the West did nothing to stop the genocide but, on the contrary, some of the Western countries, mainly France, kept arming the extremist Hutu regime!” It’s true that the West is not known for rapid reaction when it comes to people unless it’s profitable. Believe me, in Bosnia we learned to be patient thanks to the West. The 7000 or 8000 Bosnians slaughtered in Srebrenica in 1995 by Serb paramilitary are Zen now. The problem is that the people being slaughtered around the world and in need of urgent help are usually being killed by gangs or governments armed by the West to protect Western economic interests.

“Throughout the world, on any given day, a man, woman or child is likely to be displaced, tortured, killed or ‘disappeared’ at the hands of governments or armed political groups. More often than not, the United States shares the blame.”
Amnesty International, 1996 from “Human rights
and U.S.A. Security Assistance” (1998, pretty
much the same conclusion in a report called:
“United States of America-Rights for All”)

I remember a little Bosnian girl, Irma Hadzimuratovic was her name, 5 years old, who was badly wounded in Serb mortar attack in Sarajevo in 1993. She needed to be evacuated immediately for surgery, so Bosnia begged the West to airlift her and transport her to a hospital in Western Europe, the other Europe. Of course, everything had to go through the proper channels. Her trip was delayed by red tape and she was close to death before the British government arranged to fly her to the U.K. In those days three children a day were dying violent deaths in Sarajevo, in the other Europe. Anyway, Irma died in April 1995. I always thought Bosnia should have applied for E.U. membership to get quicker help before some of the worst massacres since WW2 took place in the other Europe. But then, I have to admit, Bosnia is no Kuwait. Now, had Irma been a little Jewish girl or white Anglo-Saxon Christian wounded in a terrorist attack carried out by a fanatic Palestinian cockroach or a cute little puppy chased around by a Mujahideen, I think the West would have reacted differently . If anything, Brigitte Bardot, the animal rights crusader, would have come out of retirement to condemn the Jihad against animals. Don’t get me wrong, I am not putting this whole thing into a religious context, Christianity against Islam or West versus East….I am putting it into the context of capitalism, of who’s to be exploited by whom, who has what, who’s to be rich at any cost and who’s whose friend because of specific economic interests. Ireland, now Northern Ireland, for example, a Christian country, has been invaded, occupied and most brutally exploited for more than 700 years by England, a Christian country as well, and one of the most brutal colonialist powers in the world and now it’s in Irak again, as a lackey of Uncle Sam but still it’s there and I don’t think it’s for the Iraki sand. “Working class of Ireland… Join your voice with ours in protesting against the base assumption that we owe to this Empire any other debt than that of hatred of all its plundering institutions.” James Connolly, Irish socialist leader, referring to England, 1897.

It also goes the other way around as long as it works for the capitalist West; take East Timor, a Christian country that was invaded in 1975 by Muslim Indonesia and most brutally occupied for more than 24 years with the full encouragement and military support from the West given to Suharto who wiped out 200.000 East Timorese out of a population of 750.000. And why did the Christian West allow a Muslim-majority nation to commit a genocide against a tiny Christian country? Well, maybe these words of wisdom expressed by Nixon might sum up the only reason: “With its 100 million people and 300-mile arc of islands containing the region’s richest hoard of natural resources, Indonesia is the greatest prize in South-East Asia.” Richard Nixon, “Asia after Vietnam”. Foreign affairs, October 1967, p.111. Isn’t it crystal clear? Anything goes if the capitalist West can make a profit. And for the past 150 years or so the colonial powers then are pretty much the same countries dominating and exploiting the rest of the world today, mainly Western Europe and the U.S.A. You can find these same countries in the G7, I.M.F., World Bank, E.U., UNSC, N.A.T.O., with a few different lackeys here and there but the criminals ruling our world today are the same ones who were raping it 150 years ago. Who’s killing the Irakis right now who are standing in the way of Western oil? Samuel Huntington, a U.S. writer and apologist for U.S.-Western imperialism, got it right for once when he said: “The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion… but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact; non-Westerners never do.”

Anyway, I often wonder what will happen to that Zionist democratic apartheid enclave when the Arab world runs out of (Western) oil. Maybe the Zionists will just pack up, airlift that little wall against which those curly men in Zorro hats bang their heads (I tend to do that when I’m drunk) and leave. I don’t think the West will continue paying them to keep the Arabs in line and make sure cheap oil flows unimpeded to the West because there won’t be any anymore. So the Zionists will just have to leave, I guess, and some might go back to Europe, others may go to Pennsylvania or Ohio to live with the Amish.

A few years ago I had a Palestinian friend here in Tokyo who one afternoon told me about two Westerners that he had overheard talking worryingly about the well-being of the white tiger of China, being an endangered species and all…I for one didn’t even know there were white tigers in China. He told me that he didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. There he was, an endangered species himself, taking second place to the white tiger of China. To get back to that worldwide uproar over Gaza, Palestine, I can assure you that you won’t find any here in Tokyo. The other day, in a paper called Asahi Weekly, I found this headline: A dog’s life is great in Japan. It says that fashion in Toyko has gone to the dogs and that the number of well-groomed, well-dressed dogs are on the verge of outnumbering those of people. It says also that some dogs’ happiness includes organic vegetarian dog food, weekly trimming and grooming sessions at a dog salon, stays in a dog hotel when the owner goes away on business, and the purchasing of dog designer garb, and I won’t even get into the trendiest which is the dog cafes. “We are helpless people. It is all out of our hands. Why cannot the world find a solution? The whole world is watching us die and is doing nothing to help us.” Iraki woman, after U.S. missiles killed civilians during 2003 war on Irak. Reuters, 3/29/2003. Here in Tokyo there are also long lines of people standing and waiting sometimes for more than one hour and a half in cold weather to buy a doughnut. So, believe me, there is no uproar over Gaza here in Tokyo. They don’t even care about their own countless homeless people who in winter sleep in the outside entrances of some of the most expensive capitalist buildings in the world, huge banks, multinationals and so on…I repeat, if there is anger, uproar, a genuine one, it must be coming from our third world.

The democratic apartheid enclave called Israel has been rampaging through Palestine for the past 91 years from Der Yassin through Sabra and Chatila in Lebanon back to Jenin and Gaza again and all that’s between without ever having been punished for its crimes, at least some kind of economic sanctions or a slap on the wrist to force it to comply with international law and the more than 300 UNGA resolutions and more than 70 UNSC resolutions. We all know that economic sanctions work, right? They worked in the case of Irak. The U.S.-imposed and wrapped in the U.N. flag economic sanctions against Irak in the 90s for more than 10 years killed 1.6 million Irakis of which 600.000 children. So, they worked and according to Madleine Albright it was worth it. They softened Irak and only then did the mightiest country in the world dare attack little Irak. Bravo Amrika! And now on top of all the shame the U.S., the military superpower, is getting its fat ass kicked by Iraki resistance fighters wearing jeans, sneakers and T-shirts just like what happened with the Vietnamese who kicked Uncle Sam’s greedy ass back to Disneyland wearing sandals and little straw hats.

But, I’m not expecting much as long as international law, the U.N., the G7, the world bank and the guns of N.A.T.O. are in the hands of the same criminals. On the contrary, the Zionist democratic apartheid enclave keeps getting more and more money, more and more shiny new weapons mainly from Uncle Sam.
To criticize only the enlightened barbaric West would be unfair without also laying some of the blame on the Arab leaders. The Arab leaders are one embarrassing bunch of impotent, West propped up marionettes, especially the ones in the Gulf countries with their parasitic kings and princes. A bunch of parasites who waste oil revenues on new jets, villas, whores and whiskey in the West instead of spending it on improving the lives of their own people who live in misery, instead of doing more to help their Palestinian brothers and sisters. You, the Arab leaders, the pathetic bunch of dictators, the puppets of the West, aren’t you ashamed of kissing ass and prancing around with your testicles squeezed by Amrika and Western Europe?! Just cut off the flow of oil to the greedy West for which Palestinians and Irakis are being killed by the West. Cut it off for a couple of months, demand justice and see what happens. I can’t believe that Saudi Arabia is the guardian of Mecca. The House of Saud, those pathetic wimps, shouldn’t even be let in charge of a camel. Or in the words of Mohammad Ali, Iraki man from the city of Falluja who survived a three week U.S. attack:
“I tell the presidents of Arab and Muslim countries to wake up! Wake up please! We are being killed, we are refugees from our houses, our children have nothing—not even shoes to wear! Wake up! Wake up! Stop being traitors! Be human beings and not the dummies of the Americans!
Dahr Jamail’s Iraq Dispatches, 11/23/2004

To get back to Gaza, Palestine and the so-called worldwide uproar, anger…my dear Palestinians, Irakis, Chechens, Tibetans, Africans, Native Americans, Aborigines…and all the oppressed and exploited peoples around the world, there is no uproar here in the West (including Japan). Here in Tokyo, Wednesday, January 23, 2008, I actually went out and bought a toilet paper called The Daily Yomiuri, an English daily, and guess what’s on the front page? A huge picture of the recession leaving St. Mary’s Church in Auckland carrying the casket of Sir Edmund Hillary, the first (white) man to climb Mt. Everest. They call it one of the 20th century’s defining feats. And the other major headline is: Tokyo stocks continue to plunge. Gaza is on page 6 and the between 25 000 and 30 000 people, mostly children, who are forced to plunge daily into death due to starvation caused by Western capitalism are nowhere to be seen. So, my oppressed and exploited friends, there no uproar here and if there is one it’s the usual stuff, you know, some of us get into the street(s), protest, and go home. That’s it. And you know it. Sometimes when I take part in the peace walks organized by leftist groups here in Tokyo, I am afraid you might see us on T.V. over there in your war zones, in your ghettos, because our parades look like a circus, some kind of festival, but fortunately it usually lasts only a couple of hours and then most of us go for a beer. I guess some of us in the West, lots of us, have problems of our own but lots of us, maybe most of us, are just indifferent, depressed, lost in our societies of the spectacle… It’s true. We don’t really care that you over there are made to live in misery so that we over here can be gluttons. Some of us on the Left are still trying to do something because it has to be done, it’s the right thing, we believe in it, but I think we got lost somewhere along the road and got stuck into the never ending organizing of the masses, you know, educating, educating, educating….giving lectures on Palestine or some other oppressed place and people in the world to adults who by now should know what’s going on. I mean, it’s not like the problems in Palestine popped up last year out of nowhere. That’s pretty much it.

There used to be more serious people on the Left that meant business in the West in the 70s and 80s but unfortunately they are either dead, rotting in jail, went turncoats or hugging trees. My point is it’s up to you, the oppressed peoples around the world, it has always been up to you to liberate yourselves by any means necessary. Don’t count too much on us. Some may think I’m exaggerating but the fact is that for most of the oppressed peoples around the world it has gotten worse. Just take a look at Palestine. The Zionist democratic apartheid enclave has grown bigger, is expanding a bit almost everyday and Palestine has shrunk, there are more Palestinian refugees than before, about 7 million, which is almost equal to the number of settlers in the Zionist enclave built on land stolen from the Palestinians.

“Jews came and took, by means of uprooting and expulsion, a land that was Arab…”
Israeli Professor Ilan Pappe

Not to mention the Zionist’s latest recreational enterprise which is that segregation wall
they are building with the West’s tacit approval and money. The Berlin wall was bad.
The Zionist’s apartheid wall is good. Is that it? To add insult to injury, the Quartet was
appointed, actually they appointed themselves, to come to the rescue of the Palestinians. The Quartet, as we all know, is made up of the U.S., the E.U., Russia and the U.N. Could the West be more insulting? Is there no end to its shamelessness? A bunch of criminals in charge of finding a solution to the occupation of Palestine by their partners in crime from the Zionist democratic apartheid enclave. Most of the E.U. member countries, in different ways, have taken part in the supreme international crime which is the U.S.-U.K.-led unprovoked attack on Irak and the current criminal occupation, and all for oil. But I guess the U.S. is just exercising its right to protect its oil interests according to the Carter doctrine which says that any challenge to U.S. access to Middle East oil will be met by military force. The more than 500 000 killed Irakis so far by the U.S. liberators must have represented that challenge.

“They came here to drill oil. They ended up drilling blood.” Nigerian Delta resident, anonymous, referring to U.S. oil companies. Free Speech Radio News, July 2003.

The U.S. and the dogs that followed it into this dismembering of Irak are also known as the coalition of the willing. Some of the countries of this coalition that are at this very moment killing Irakis have decided to help the Palestinians. Another member of the Quartet is Russia with Putin the Terrible at its head and Time magazine’s man of the year. By the way, when was the last time anyone heard anything about poor little Chechnya in the coward mainstream media? You see, Russia, beside being one of the members of the Quartet, has also been busy butchering the Chechens and turning the capital Grozny into a parking lot since this little country tried to regain its independence and Chechnya has been suffering all the Putin’s wrath because, in Yeltsin the Drunkard’s words, Chechnya is a major hub in the oil infrastructure of the Russian Federation and hence its secession would hurt the country’s economy and control of oil resources. Ain’t that reassuring to the Palestinians? The last member of the Quartet is the U.N. The U.N. is that organization that let Bosnia burn, Rwanda bleed and Irak starve. So, leaving it to the Quartet to help the Palestinians is like leaving a pedophile to baby-sit your children. If the West were really serious about helping the Palestinians it could have just agreed to the 2002 Saudi Land for Peace plan and again endorsed in 2007.
I’m sorry I can’t enumerate all the people that were let down by the U.N. but they are into millions and millions.

I am not actually blaming the U.N. General Assembly which is made up of about 187 countries out of a total of 192 in the world, nor am I against the principles of the U.N. or what it stands for and what it set out to accomplish when it was established, but unfortunately the U.N. General Assembly was a still born baby from the start. So, we are left with the U.N. (in)Security Council, 5 countries, pretty much the same criminals found in the Quartet, in charge of dealing the cards to the rest of the world, deciding who’s to live and who’s to die according to their economic interests. It’s like the rest of the world is there just to bend over whenever those criminals have a hard on. On top of that, they permanent members with veto powers! Highly democratic, isn’t it? Permanent U.N.S.C. members, permanent G7, permanent I.M.F, permanent World Bank, permanent nuclear powers…always pretty much the same countries for the past 160 years or something. And for the rest of the world, permanent war, permanent, misery, permanent destruction, permanent exploitation, permanent plunder of natural resources…The Palestinians, not to mention the whole of Africa, are one of the peoples who might know best about this.

It’s been going on for 91 years for them and they are supposed to put their fate, their lives and what’s left of their land into the hands of the criminal Quartet, they are asked to trust this gathering of leaches with their ever new empty plans, to trust Amrika that is right now butchering Irak, destroying beautiful Irak in the name of freedom in an attempt to rob its people of their oil so that Amrika could preserve the Amrikan way of life. The greedy way of life! What about the way of life of the rest of the world Uncle Sam?! Simon Bolivar once said: “The United States appears to be destined by Providence to plague Latin America with misery in the name of Liberty.” Now could make just a little change and say that the United States, the West appears to be destined by Providence to plague the world with misery in the name of democracy, freedom and free market….Bolivar said this late 18th-early 19th century, in those days there was no threat of communism, Soviet Union, cold war, terrorism, Islamic terrorism, Al-Qaeda….

The Palestinians are asked to trust the Quartet, the scum of the Earth with the U.S. at its head with their road maps, roads that lead only to new camps, new fences, new walls, more agony, more misery, roads and maps to nowhere. Sinan Antoon once asked: “How much blood will suffice as ink for empire’s new maps?” Palestine is slowly being turned into a Guantanmo, a 21st century freak Disneyland a la U.S.A. sponsored by the greatest democracy in the world and run by Israhell. Can anyone really trust the U.S. to be a fair actor in forcing its bulldog of Zion to relinquish the land it has stolen from the Palestinians when, if anyone would care to recall, the U.S. is the country that in 1989 vetoed a U.N. resolution opposing the acquisition of territory by force?

So, my dear oppressed Palestinians, my dear oppressed peoples in the third world, you already know this but I want to tell you loud and clear: Do not put your faith in the bloody and greedy hands of the West. Do not trust the West. The West is the one who put you and keeps you in such a state of misery in the first place. The West has made itself filthy rich at your expense, by stealing from you and it will keep stealing from you unless YOU put an end to it.

“The Third World wasn’t an impoverished world then, in fact the reason it was colonialized is because it had the wealth…None of these countries were impoverished . Today they are called the poorer part of the world because the wealth has been drained out.” Vandana Shiva, Indian scientist. Interview, In Motion Magazine, 8/14/1998.

Peoples in the third world, your bellies, the bellies of your children are empty so that our supermarkets in the West, in Japan could be full. The West never gives anything for free and what it might give you, believe me, it will steal in return ten times more! My dear Palestinians, if you don’t want Moshe Dayan’s words of wisdom to come true when he said:
“There is no more Palestine. Finished.”, then fight, keep on fighting by any means necessary! To avoid any confusion as to who Moshe Dayan was, he was not, as some may think, one of the extras on the Flying Dutch in The Pirates of the Caribbean 3 but a Zionist land reformer who, among other things, liberated the land of Palestine from the Palestinians and redistributed it among various Jewish and Zionist tourists and real estate agents from Europe.

My dear oppressed peoples around the world, don’t ever stop fighting! Fight! Fight! Fight! Keep on fighting against the greedy West.

“The right to rebellion, to defy those who oppress us with various alibis (always the gods of Power and Money with different masks), is universal.” Subcomandante Marcos, 2003.

Don’t ever lay your weapons down while the fight is still on. I know, it’s easy for me to say this from my comfort zone over here, you’re the ones dying over there. But look at what happened to peoples who stopped fighting like the Native Americans or the Tibetans. Look at what happens to those who choose to follow the West’s advice and fight peacefully like Suu Kyi, that poor forgotten woman left to rot peacefully under house arrest in Myanmar or the Dalai Lama left in peace in exile in India to be photographed with Richard Geer and other Hollywood and Western show business stars with empty lives.

“There is not a single example of people in the Third World being able to achieve qualitative economic and social change by peaceful means. Not in Chile, not in India, not in the Congo, not in South Africa, not in Palestine. Nowhere. Imperialism has too much of a stake in the current economic order and is willing to use force and violence wherever needed.” David Gilbert, writer, U.S. political prisoner. No Surrender, 2004.

Remember how the West helped Nelson Mandela? First they called him a terrorist, a black South African man fighting to liberate his people from one of the most vicious white supremacist apartheid regimes in the world that was allowed and encouraged by the West to last (with very, very few exceptions) up to almost the mid-90s, 20th century, while the West kept doing profitable business with the South African apartheid regime and let Mandela rot in prison for almost 30 years! The South African apartheid regime got its strongest support from the Reagan administration. But, as Madleine Albright stated once in 1999, it is not a good idea to link human rights and trade issues, I guess. Mandela could have been free earlier back in the 80s, but in the 1980s he again rejected P.W. Botha’s offer of freedom if he renounced violence. Mandela’s real friends were as usual the third world countries with Lybia and Cuba at the head. Never stop fighting. Whatever negotiations you enter into, you the oppressed peoples, the victims of Western greed, you will always be asked to lay down your weapons first. It’s always the victims, the oppressed who are asked to give up their weapons before negotiations start with a criminal armed to his teeth, while the Western murderer, rapist, plunderer gets to keep his deadly arsenal. The West throughout history has never relinquished anything that it had stolen out of change of heart. It always had to be hit hard on the nose in order to stop it in its drive for more and more plunder. Isn’t there a limit to its greed? How much is enough? And before leaving, it always left behind millions of ghosts, oceans of tears, mountains of ashes and skeletons….Vietnam, Algeria, Africa, Latin America…that’s what the enlightened West does in its quest for always more wealth. And today our beloved Irak is the latest victim of the greedy enlightened West with Amrika at its head.

“You speak of ‘duty’, ‘humanity’ and ‘civilization!’ What is this duty?... It is markets, competition, interests, privileges. Trade and finance are things which express your ‘humanity’. Taxes, forced labour, excessive exploitation, that is the summing up of your civilization!” Ho Chi Minh, 1923

Oppressed peoples around the world; keep on fighting! You should even extend your resistance to Western countries themselves, on their territories. There would be nothing wrong with that. The West has been going over there anytime it wanted to steal something for ages, and it still does it if it can’t do it through its I.M.F. or World Bank or its multinationals. It goes over there and bombs the hell out of you, destroy your homes, kills your children, steals your natural resources, steals yours and your children’s future! So, what’s wrong with your coming over here to defend yourselves? Nothing. On the contrary, in your case actually it would be totally justified. That’s what the U.S. is doing in Irak, right? According to that degenerate Bush, the U.S. went over there, Irak and Afghanistan, to fight the terrorists so that they wouldn’t come over here. Now, speaking of terrorists, remember:
“Terrorism is in the eye of the beholder” Nidal Sakr

To end this ranting of mine and get back to Gaza, I just remembered what my boss, who is Jewish, told me one day a little prior to the U.S.-U.K-led war of aggression and plunder on Irak. He said that, beside being pro-war on Irak, sometimes force was the only way that Arabs understood and that there would be peace in the Middle East if only the Palestinians would stop their terrorism. I told him that implementing UNGA resolution 194 and UNSC resolutions 242 and 338 might work, too. If they are not already as dead as little Muhammad Jamal al-Durrah. As for how I feel about our beloved Irak, here is something that Fred Hampton, Black Panther leader who was assassinated by Chicago police in December 1969, said about Vietnam:

“And you motherfuckers that’s for peace in Vietnam, the Black Panther Party is for victory in Vietnam…The U.S. is a bunch of Wall Street warmongers. And they need to be driven out of there.” Just put Irak instead of Vietnam and I instead of the Black Panther Party.

Write down!
I am an Arab
You have stolen the orchards of
My ancestors
And the land which I cultivated
Along with my children
And you left nothing for us
Except for these rocks…
So will the State take them
As it has been said?!
Write down on the top of the first page:
I do not hate people
Nor do I encroach
But if I become hungry
The usurper’s flesh will be my food
Of my hunger
And my anger!

From the poem Identity Card by Mahmoud Darwish, Palestinian poet.

Brkic Sulejman

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Individual Revolutions

Revolution Evolution

‘Revolution is internal
Help yourself at anytime
Evolution isn’t over….’

From the song Raise The Knowledge by Gogol Bordello

When I think of the West, including Japan, let’s say the G8, excluding China, I think of devolution, which in biology is also called degeneration.
How else can we explain the state of apathy and ridicule we have sank in?

Take me for example.
I’ve been teaching French and English at a language school here in Tokyo since 1991. I’ve made it rule not to teach the police, the Self Defence Forces (the Japanese army) and the U.S. military. It’s the kind of money that I can do without. I am just a teacher here, I do not own the school. An Israeli does, a Zionist I think. We never talk about politics. He knows where I stand. To make my point one day I went to work with a Palestinian keffiyeh around my neck.

In the past few years there has been a steady increase and attendance by U.S. military personnel. Right now, there is a bunch of them coming to the school where I work to learn Chinese, Persian, Thai, Indonesian, Korean from North Korea and one young, 25, American soldier studying French…not with me of course.
En passant, right here there should be a conflict, a Zionist, a pro-Palestinian and a U.S. mercenary working together but no…we allow our capitalist democracies to absorb all these potential conflicts and turn ourselves into greedy whores.
Anyway, I kind of manage to avoid them, even saying hello bothers me. Since the school reception office is not that big, I do sometimes unfortunately have them in my face.

Now, to get back to the 25 year old Yankee. He was already here about 2 years ago. The other day, there he was on the balcony, where we can smoke, with his French teacher of Moroccan origin, chatting, laughing…I said hi and out of the blue this colleague of mine starts telling me how an exciting life the Yankee has had and…boom! He hits me by saying that the Yankee was also in Irak and Afghanistan…and since that day he brought it up himself several times…the Irak and Afghanistan adventures…sometimes even complaining about the heat and the noise of the five daily calls to prayer in Irak.

To be honest with you I feel disgusted, not only with him, but with myself for just standing there, smoking, smiling and even exchanging a few words with a criminal. Yes, a criminal!

“The U.S-U.K.-led war against Irak was illegal”
Kofi Annan
International Herald Tribune, Friday, September 17, 2004 (U.N chief calls Iraq war Illegal) The Associated Press, United Nations, New York.

So, if it’s illegal, it’s a crime and the despicable people who have taken part in it are criminals as well as all those who have acquiesced .
I do throw in a few sarcastic comments and I’ve made it pretty clear about my stance on the whole Irak/Afghanistan/U.S. criminal foreign policy issue, but that’s it…Being under the same roof with criminals frustrates me very much. Sometimes the Yankee has his French lesson in a classroom next to mine and I can’t focus on my student because I tend to eavesdrop. I tried to talk about this with the secretary at the school, expecting some/any kind of shock reaction but she just said, oh, well, being a soldier is just a job…But it’s not just a job! It’s not even a job…

Here in Japan they have had 3 main bogeymen since the end of WW2: Communism, North Korea and China. The Japanese government, through its keyboard, the mainstream media, has managed to instill such fear into the hearts and minds of the Japanese people, who in turn only too readily dived into the comfort of not thinking, that it’s impossible to have a reasonable debate.
Since 9/11, in the U.S. not in Chile, in order to be in line with the foreign policy of its master Uncle Sam, Japan has added another bogeyman to its list: Islam. Here is an article that will give you a rough picture of Japan’s attitude vis-à-vis its Muslim community:
North Korea, China, as well as Arabs, beside being government/media prop up bogeymen, are also an object of great ridicule, and not only among the Japanese but also Westerners.

Ridicule. Ridiculous.
Ridicule: Words or actions intended to evoke contemptuous laughter at or feelings toward a person or thing.

This is where the G8 comes in.
When it comes to ridicule, I believe that the joke should be on us, the ridiculous-dangerous-coward-anti-depressant/Viagra popping Western degenerates.
How dare we make fun of the rest of the world?
I mean, just take a look at this headline I saw the other day, front page, the Daily Yomiuri, Tokyo: Obama says China must respect international law.
Nobody is laughing…
Obama, the apostle of ridicule. He should get another Nobel Prize just for this.
I ain’t no fan of China but this…
He should tell this to the hooded prisoners in Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib.

America, our dear leader.

Most people we make fun of live in our dictatorships and there isn’t much they can do about it. But we, in our democracies with all our freedoms, rights…what do we do about being robbed blind by mega-banks that suddenly crash and we, the little guy, are forced to bail them out? About the austerity plans, the welfare cuts, the pushing back of retirement age, the tripling of university tuition fees, environmental degeneration…and hundreds if not thousands of other daily humiliations? Nothing. What do we do about the fact that most of our dear leaders are liars, thieves, war criminals who have led us to commit and support the Supreme International Crime, the attack on Irak that so far has killed more than a million of Irakis for our oil, and numerous other wars of plunder? Nothing. What do we do about our democratic ridiculous mainstream media that bombard us daily with government-fabricated lies called news, mind-numbing programs, sport, sex and violence? Nothing

What else do we do beside demonstrating in the streets five minutes before our democratic bombs are about to rain on another country that possesses our natural resources? Nothing.
What do we do here in our psychopathic democracies about our unbridled capitalism that’s destroying everyone and everything on its highway to the ever mightier buck, the ever rising unemployment, poverty, misery and add to all this the annual 30 000 suicides here in Japan….what do we do about our whole democratic malaise? Nothing
What do we do when we are led to believe that the top threats to our Western values and our freedoms (to do nothing), Western (genocidal) civilization are Islam and immigrants or when French leaders, including one socialist, pass a law banning the veil in schools and the niqab in public out of concern for the happiness of barely 2000 Muslim women in France who are forced to cover themselves when outside but no concern at all for millions of women and girls throughout the world forced by our savage democratic capitalist system to uncover and sell their vaginas 24/7 on TV, Internet, the press sold in all major bookstores on every street corner of our beautiful democratic capitals, or here in Tokyo where I’ve seen a vending machine, in a residential area, selling used panties worn by high school girls? What do we do about all this? Nothing

What do we do with all those freedoms, rights, all that democracy, all those values that the West prides itself in, to make our world, or for that matter our rotting Western societies, a better place?

The best we have come up with is to blame Islam, immigrants, Iran, China, North Korea…and that is what makes us ridiculous…so ridiculous that it’s painful.

Ridicule. Ridiculous.
That’s the feeling I’ve had when saying hello, chatting, smiling, smoking with that Yankee who visited Irak and Afghanistan…

So here I am exchanging greetings with a criminal and working for a Zionist while at the same time being anti-American and pro-Palestinian. Why? Well, I guess I gotta eat. That’s one excuse. Having to eat is one thing. But making someone starve so that one could eat is another. And my example is pretty much what the great Western civilization is about. This is pretty much how it’s done. It is millions of daily actions like mine throughout the West, harmless at first glance, actions of accommodation, appeasement, cooperation with capitalism that grease the wheels of our genocidal capitalism. And as long as we continue like this, all we’ll ever be is…ridiculous by pretending otherwise.

All our values, our democracy, our freedoms are drenched in blood. All the comforts and material wealth enjoyed by the peoples in the West and here in Japan are owed to their acquiescence to their governments’ murder and plunder of the rest of our world. And whatever is called the Left in the West, content with paper protests and playing riskless politics, is a joke.
My point is that there cannot be any accommodation, any compromise with our capitalist democracies. They have to be sabotaged from within by us with actions not words. We have to derail our capitalist train that we are on. We, on the left, gotta stop hiding behind our endless so-called organizing. Acts of sabotage can be carried out by individuals.

We have to carry out daily little individual revolutions.

The other day my brother was telling me about this article by Slavoj Zizek in which he writes how Western intellectuals want a revolution…but not here, not in their countries. They’d rather have it in Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela…

Our capitalist economies, our fake and murderous democracies must be crippled All most of us have been doing so far is greasing the wheels of our Western capitalism with our hypocrisy and with the sweat of millions of women, men and children throughout the world….or we can continue to be ridiculous.

In Iraq, children are looking towards
the night sky with fear, as though
there were no stars, only bombs in the cosmos.
And they are afraid of the earth because
they can count the cancers in their
hoods now, where once there were none.

On the brink of… Suheir Hammad, Palestinian poet

Brkic Sulejman

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

for sarkozy from Gogol Bordello

For sarkozy from Gogol Bordello

Yo sarko ! this is for you, you idiot hobbit!

Just because I come from Roma Camp up the hill
They put me in the school for mentally ill
Ho pa ho pa di ri da
All them lies about Roma
Just because I do refuse to take your pill
Any road I take leads to the Bastille
Ho pa ho pa di rid a
All them lies about Roma
You love our music
But you hate our guts
I know that you still want me
To ride in back of the bus
Opportunities for me
Is a red carpet to hell
But I’m a Roma wunderking
I’m gonna break the…
Break the spell
Break the spell
Break the spell
I’m gonna break the spell

Like a pro, I pack your dance floor
Yet you want me to come in and exit through back door
Ho pa ho pa di rid a
All the lies about Roma
You love our music
But you hate our guts
I know you still want me
To ride in back of the bus
Opportunities for me
Is a red carpet to hell
But I’m a Roma wunderking
I’m gonna break the…
Break the spell
Break the spell
Break the spell
I’m gonna break the spell
In average intelligence bureau on us they run big file
Average intelligence bureau sends Charlie Chaplin in exile
You always do the best what in your familia runs
And so we are original globetrotters with no guns
We came from Rajastan as non-militant travelers
The time in Byzantium made us even more advanced
And at the end I gotta say
To conclude our little study
One thing about them Gypsies, they never bored nobody

You love our music
But you hate our guts
We know all about you
You don’t know thing about us-no!
Opportunities for me
Is a red carpet to hell
But I am Roma wunderking
I’m gonna break the…
Break the spell
Break the spell
Break the spell
Break the spell
Break the spell……
Break the Fuckin spel!!

Here you go sarko, tough guy!

Brkic Sulejman

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


The Cove

The Cove is a 2009 American documentary film that describes the annual killing of dolphins in a National Park at Taiji, Wakayama, in Japan from an anti–dolphin-hunting campaigner's point of view. The film highlights the fact that the number of dolphins killed in the Taiji dolphin hunting drive is several times greater than the number of whales killed in the Antarctic, and reports that 23,000 dolphins and porpoises are killed in Japan every year in the country's whaling industry. The migrating dolphins are herded into a hidden cove where they are netted and killed by means of spears and knives over the side of small fishing boats.

The film was directed by former National Geographic photographer Louie Psihoyos. Portions were filmed secretly during 2007 using underwater microphones and high-definition cameras disguised as rocks.
The documentary won the U.S. Audience Award at the 25th annual Sundance Film Festival in January 2009. It was selected out of the 879 submissions in the category. On March 7, 2010, The Cove won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature at the 82nd Academy Awards.

This piece is addressed to Louie Psihoyos, the Western media, particularly The Japan Times, to “activist” Ric O’Barry, the “Flipper” trainer-cum-activist who stars in The Cove and all of you Westerners with all your lofty feelings.

I live in Japan. I’ve lived here for 20 years. Japan is a country that harbors a war criminal: former prime minister Junichiro Koizumi. He has led Japan into the illegal war against Irak, alongside other Western vultures, notably the U.S.A. and the U.K.

The decision by President George W. Bush to go to war in Iraq was ILLEGAL because it didn't have U.N Security Council approval, according to Secretary General Kofi Annan in an interview with the BBC World Service on Wednesday 15 2004. On Wednesday after being asked three times whether the lack of council approval for the war meant it was illegal, he (Annan) said:
" From our point of view it was ILLEGAL."

Q: It was illegal ?
Annan: Yes, if you wish.
Q: It was illegal ?
Annan: Yes, I have indicated it is not In conformity with the U.N Charter, from our point of view and from the Charter point of view it Was ILLEGAL.

International Herald Tribune, Friday, September 17, 2004 (U.N chief calls Iraq war Illegal) The Associated Press, United Nations, New York."

Of course nobody here thinks of him (Koizumi) as a war criminal. Instead of being in The Hague, he is prancing around freely…..just like Bush, Blair, Berlusconi and all the other partners in crime, members of the coalition of the willing (to kill and plunder). The rape of Irak is barely in the mainstream media, Afghanistan even less. When it does make the news it’s usually to tell us about U.S. soldiers suffering from PTD or some other Western casualty .

I read a daily (anesthetic) called The Japan Times. The other day, Tuesday 24, I came across, again!, an article, almost half a page (by Jay Alabaster, AP), about Taiji where The Cove was shot. There has been so much in the English language press, especially The Japan Times, about The Cove, the “slaughter” of dolphins, the “dark” secret of this little town, Taiji…..hell, the slaughter of dolphins got more attention than the slaughter of more than one million Irakis (so far) by the U.S.-U.K.-led coalition of the willing (to kill for oil). Some Japanese fishermen kill some dolphins and eat the meat. So what? What is the big deal?

I am sick and tired of this intentionally misplaced Western concern! Doesn’t the director of The Cove, Louie Psihoyos, have anything better to do? Anything more important to film? And this piece of crap got an Oscar….well, on second thought, it does deserve it…just think about it…Hollywood deciding what’s important in the world….it’s just like another piece of crap, The Hurt Locker by Kathryn Bigelow, about a team of deminers in Irak. The whole of Irak, hell, most of the world is a hurt locker, and all K. Bigelow can do is make a film about a bunch of Yankees disposing of land mines in and around Baghdad that are there because of them in the first place!

How much longer will this deliberately misplaced Western concern go on? The majority of people in the world live in abject misery caused by the capitalist economic policies of the West and some dolphins, whales and a bunch of Yankee criminals turned into victims get more attention! Hello?! The West! Do you need more September 11ths, more trains blowing up in Madrid, more buses blowing up in London…to pay attention to the people that you slaughter and plunder around the world to preserve your comfort. Hello?! Louie Psihoyos! You, as an American, living in the country that has been the greatest purveyor of violence on Earth since its inception, shouldn’t you be concerned with at least the misery in your own country if you don’t give a damn about the misery in the world caused by your country??

Dolphins?? Who cares??

I don’t! Eastern Europe doesn’t! Africa doesn’t! The Arab world doesn’t! Asia doesn’t! So, who is left to (pretend to) care about some dolphins in some Taiji? So, who is left?

Again the same people, the white Anglo-Saxon god-fearing middle class Christian with his/her lofty feelings of self-satisfying compassion.
Why don’t you Louie Psihoyos with your secret, high-tech, waterproof, mini cameras film secretly the arrogance of war criminals such as Bush, Blair, Koizumi, Berlusconi, Aznar et al.? Or the daily oppression in the lives of the Chechens, Palestinians, Sudanese, Irakis, Kurds, the Indians in U.S. concentration camps, the 25 000 people dying daily of hunger, the child prostitutes, the child soldiers….and so on and on and on. Don’t tell me you didn’t have a choice. You actually chose dolphins over millions of people literally dying to be heard and seen… have the means, the time and obviously the dedication but all misplaced!

No one can imagine how much attention and space this whole dolphin and whale business got in the press here in The Japan Times. But what can we expect from the cowardly mainstream media? And, Louie, with that misplaced interest of yours in Japan, shouldn’t you be focusing on the “peace loving” Japan, the Japan that has renounced war and yet taken part in the supreme international crime, the attack on Irak, led by your country, America? What is this obsession with dolphins? It’s typical of the Western white man and woman. The most recent article, the one I mentioned here above, is about the annual dolphin hunt that’s about to start in early September. It says that the waters of the cove in Taiji will turn blood red. The whole of Irak and a large part of the world has turned blood red or no color at all due to the savage capitalist economic policies of the sensitive West. It also says that, and this is a good one, while for the people in and around Taiji dolphins can be playmates, they are primarily seen as big game animals, a perception many foreigners find difficult to stomach.

Again, who are these foreigners? I am a foreigner. Who are these sensitive souls with sensitive stomachs who care more about dolphins than people? I am not one of them, my brothers are not among them, my friends here in Tokyo from Palestine, Irak, Burundi, Yugoslavia, Russia, Lebanon, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia….are not among those foreigners with sensitive stomachs. The slaughter of dolphins in Taiji has been getting more attention than the Israelo-Western starving of Palestinians in Gaza or the 9 Turkish activists trying to enter Gaza to bring humanitarian aid to the Palestinians in Gaza who were killed by a demented Israeli commando.

I have eaten whale meat on several occasions. It is delicious. There is a very good restaurant in Shibuya-ward, Tokyo, that serves whale meat. Unfortunately, I haven’t had a chance to try dolphin meat yet.

Hey, Louie Psihoyos, are you gonna show your pathetic little documentary to the U.S. troops in Irak to cheer them up? How about showing it in Chechnya, Gaza, Sudan, Srebrenica, Angola, Sierra Leone, the Congo, Cambodia, Venezuela, Afghanistan, Guatemala, Salvador, Kurdistan, Albania, Yemen, Somalia, East Timor, Pakistan, Haiti…or to all the slums and all the sweatshops all over the world, products of sensitive Western capitalism? Are you gonna send a copy to Aung San Suu Kyi, Leonard Peltier, Mumia Abu Jamal, Abdullah Ocalan, Marwan Barghouti, Leila Zana….? See if they care. And please, Louie Psihoyos, if you do show The Cove in one of these places say, Irak, after the viewing in Baghdad or Fallujah you should do the Q and A thing. I am sure the people of Irak have lots of questions about the little town of Taiji and its dark secret.

You, Louie Psihoyos, and the foreigners (Westerners) who “care”, who are “shocked”, who can’t stomach the slaughter of poor little, cute, intelligent dolphins but who can stomach your governments’ slaughter of poor little, cute, intelligent Iraki children and plunder of the whole world…you are a bunch of pretenders, the typical middle class empty Westerner, pseudo activist, in search of some spiritual connection, climbing Mount Everest, traveling to Nepal and Tibet to get wasted, in love with the Dalai Lama, Aung San Suu Kyi, Gandhi, M.L. King but not with Malcolm X, the Black Panthers, sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, the Hamas, the Iraki Resistance, the IRA, Chavez, Morales, the Maoists in Nepal……Playing it safe, aren’t you? Hug a tree, hug a dolphin, join Amnesty, organize end poverty concerts, sing we are the world we are the children… your best to avoid confronting the real problems in our world caused by your governments’ criminal capitalist economic policies and your greed. You hypocrites!

To an Iraqi infant by Sinan Antoon

do you know
that your mother's nipples
are dry bones?
that her breasts
are bursting
with depleted uranium?

do you know
that the womb's window
a confiscated land?

do you know
that your tomorrow
has no tomorrow?
that your blood
is the ink
of new maps?

do you know
that your mother is weaving
the slowness of her moments
into an elegy?
And she is already
mourning you?

don't be shy!
your funeral is over
the tears are dry
everyone's gone

come forward!
it's only a short way
don't be late
your grave is looking
at its watch!

don't be afraid!
We'll arrange your bones
which ever way you want
and leave your skull
like a flower
on top

come forward!
your many friends await
there are more every day
. . .
your ghosts
will play together

come on!

Brkic Sulejman 2/9/2010

Monday, June 28, 2010



On May 27, 2010, outside the Jewish Heritage Celebration Day event at the White House, the following exchange took place between Helen Thomas and Rabbi David Nesenoff:

Nesenoff: Any comments on Israel? We're asking everybody today, any comments on Israel?
Thomas: Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine. (laughs)
Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine.
Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine.
Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine.
Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine.
Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine.
Nesenoff: Oooh. Any better comments on Israel?
Thomas: (still laughing) Remember, these people are occupied and it's their land. It's not German, it's not Poland ...
Remember, these people are occupied and it's their land.
Remember, these people are occupied and it's their land.
Remember, these people are occupied and it's their land.
Remember, these people are occupied and it's their land.
Remember, these people are occupied and it's their land.
Remember, these people are occupied and it's their land.
Nesenoff: So where should they go, what should they do?
Thomas: They go home.
Nesenoff: Where's the home?
Thomas: Poland. Germany.
Nesenoff: So you're saying the Jews go back to Poland and Germany?
Thomas: And America and everywhere else. Why push people out of there who have lived there for centuries? See?
Nesenoff: Well, yeah, are you familiar with the, the history of that region and what took place?
Thomas: Very much. I'm of Arab background.

"Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves ... politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves... The country is theirs, because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take away from them their country."
-- David Ben Gurion, quoted on pp 91-2 of Chomsky's Fateful Triangle, which appears in Simha Flapan's "Zionism and the Palestinians pp 141-2 citing a 1938 speech.

“Jews came and took, by means of uprooting and expulsion, a land that was Arab…” Israeli Professor Ilan Pappe

Write down!
I am an Arab
You have stolen the orchards of
My ancestors
And the land which I cultivated
Along with my children
And you left nothing for us
Except for these rocks…
So will the State take them
As it has been said?!
Write down on the top of the first page:
I do not hate people
Nor do I encroach
But if I become hungry
The usurper’s flesh will be my food
Of my hunger
And my anger!

From the poem Identity Card by Mahmoud Darwish, Palestinian poet.

Enemy by Langston Hughes

It would be nice
In any case,
To someday meet you
Face to face
Walking down
The road to hell...
As I come up
Feeling swell.


Thursday, April 22, 2010



“Hi-ho, this is Kermit the Frog here, reporting for the Sesame Street News.”

I’ve lived in Japan for 20 years. I often read the daily The Japan Times or The Daily Yomiuri which is cheaper and worse….I’ve often wondered why I read them and I think it’s partly because they are fairly entertaining and to find out how much and what they are deliberately not saying.

I believe that the mass media is an accomplice of the capitalist system in crimes against humanity.

Above the name of the paper The Japan Times it says: ALL THE NEWS WITH(OUT) FEAR OR FAVOR.
“I don’t get it”
Bert of Sesame Street

Today, it’s Monday, April 19, 2010. The Japan Times has 16 pages.
I’ll start from the back.

Pp. 16, 15, 14 Sports.
P.13 is the TV page.
P. 12, the “opinion” page, the opinion page where you never see opinions by, say Arundhati Roy, Robert Fisk, John Pilger, N. Chomsky…or some labour union member, social justice activist, a single mother, a representative of the unemployed or the homeless….anyway, I think you get the picture of what I mean.
P.11, business insights, some article about the US, Swiss and UBS.
P.10, news analysis/topics, almost the whole page about the Vatican’s pedophiles and a much smaller piece on scientists and the Antarctic.
P.9 today is called American perspectives. There is an article about the fundamentalist Westboro Baptist church (half the page). And the other half is about journalists embedded with the US military (I told you it was fairly entertaining).
P.8…too is American perspectives, almost the whole page is about Florida’s governor Charlie Crist. The rest of the page is about N.Y. cops tackling terror in the tunnels.

“It’s good to shut up sometimes.”
Marcel Marceau

P.7, classified/ads
P.6, World
Iceland volcano/A new young king in Uganda/Poland (Kaczynski’s funeral)/Another article at the bottom about an American firm cashing in on bunker space for those anticipating apocalypse and on the side of the page, 3 in brief pieces: LBJ daughter may have rare disorder/US woman claims Powerball jackpot/Washington owes N.Y. library fees.

Pp. 5,4, World
A piece about Queen Noor al-Hussein of Jordan on getting rid of nuclear weapons/Ahmedinejad being ridiculed for asking the USA to ditch warheads first/Saudi Arabia planning center to develop nuclear renewable energy/Somalis fleeing radical Islamists/Iraqi al-Qaida starts using house bombs/Tea Party movement and Ross Perot (pretty big article)/Former US Rep.Eric Massa and his denying paying aide/Karzai on “reforming Afghanistan’s electoral system” (ha,ha,ha) and on the side again some in brief: white supremacists rally in L.A./Man shot at US border crossing/Discovery heading home from ISS/Advocates light up at marijuana expo.

“It’s not fair. It’s just not fair!”
Bert of Sesame Street

P.3, Asia Pacific
An article about a massacre that took place on Nov.23 of 57 people, among them 30 journalists, in the Philippines/The red shirts in Thailand/Something about an epic Polynesian voyage relived by descendents/Earthquake survivors in Tibet and in brief about a suicide bombing in Pakistan,/The reopening of an Aussie immigration detention center/A rare leopard spotted in Malaysia.

P.2, National
Japan falls fast from Obama’s list of priorities/A launching of a new political party in Tokyo/A missing Nepalese student in Fukuoka, Japan/Retailers gear up for 3-D TV launch by Panasonic/World expo song halted by plagiarism row/Cameraman slain in Bangkok honored at funeral/Medical procedures pitched to foreign tourists.

The front page
European flight ban stays among chaos (Iceland volcano)/Poles mass to lay president to rest/An article about the relocation of a US base in Japan/A piece about British Liberal Democrats.

Throughout the paper there are 12 advertisements of which one is on the front page, bottom right corner. It’s for a lecture. It says: A new civilization begins. The emergence of the World Teacher and the role of UFOs.

“Journalists are unable, seemingly, to discriminate between a bicycle accident and the collapse of civilization.”
George Bernard Shaw

That’s it.

I picked today for no reason…it was random…there was no real need to think.
It’s pretty much the same everyday….shallow and hallow.

“The first law of journalism: to confirm existing prejudice, rather than contradict it.”
Alexander Cockburn

Is this information? Is this news? Do we feel informed? Does it make us think?
My picking The Japan Times was also random. They are more or less the same; empty, shallow and hallow. The Japanese dailies are even worse. It’s so empty that you actually start feeling as if there were something.
Most of the sources for and in the articles come from government officials, the police, people in some or other kind of power. Simply put, it hardly ever comes from a person who’s actually directly affected by the problem.
It is always some “expert” or “official” speaking for the person affected.
The “opinion” page (p.12) is all by men. There is (almost) never a woman.
“It’s not fair. It’s just not fair!”
Bert of Sesame Street

You will also notice the waste of space.

On Fridays this paper has 22 or 23 pages. The additional pages are all about art, films and more sports.

Anyway, it’s not only about what’s written in dailies of this kind. What really sticks out is what is deliberately omitted.
And that’s what makes of these dailies a muzzle owned by the rich and powerful for the voiceless, the ones who really need and have something important to say.

“Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.”
Joseph Goebbels

Brkic Sulejman