Free Tibet?
Y E S!
All forms of violence, especially war, are totally unacceptable as means to settle disputes between and among nations, groups and persons.
~Dalai Lama
In the April 23, 2008, Japan Times, I read this headline: Dalai Lama seeks help from U.S.
So, let me get this straight, one of the greatest pacifists in the world is asking for help from the most warmongering country in the world, the U.S.A. Ha!
On December 17, 1984, 143 member-states endorse UNGA Res.39/161B, commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial countries and Peoples. The U.S. alone casts an opposing vote.
(And this is one time among many others)
I was never a big fan of that impotent, chubby, bald guy called the Dalai Lama, prancing around in his colorful nightgown. But this tops it all. He is asking for help from the most genocidal country in the history of mankind, the U.S.A, the greatest purveyor of violence on Earth, according to M.L. King. The Dalai Lame is asking for help from the U.S.A, the country that has just caused the death of over a million Irakis (and counting), in yet another illegal war, in an attempt to rob them of their oil.
When I say I was never a big fan of the Dalai Lama, I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one. According to the bits I’ve read, even the younger generation of Tibetans themselves are fed up with him and his impotent ways of dealing with the Chinese ogre. The younger generation of Tibetans are willing to put up a real fight against the Chinese imperialists. Yes, Chinese imperialists! Imperialism is not something that belongs exclusively to the Right. The Soviet Union was an imperialist dictatorship. As for because of my being on the Left I should automatically sympathize with the “communist” China, give me break!
China is as communist as that pedophile Benedict in the Vatican.
Let me make something clear: I am for free Tibet! Tibetans should fight by any means necessary to get free of more than 50 years of Chinese colonial rule!
Now, about all those Western protesters, trying to extinguish the Olympic flame on its way to China or whatever shithole it’s headed for, as far as I am concerned they can piss on it. Where were those Western protesting angels who are so (suddenly) concerned with the plight of the Tibetans, where were they when the flame of shame was heading for Atlanta, Georgia in 1996 into the bloody hands of Uncle Sam? Why weren’t they demanding freedom for Hawaii or its other colonies? Why weren’t they demanding a halt to U.S.A’s support for apartheid Israhell against a free Palestine, its continous bombing of Irak and genocidal economic sanctions against Irak that killed 1.6 million Irakis including 600.000 Iraki children? Not to mention the 1984 Olympics held in Los Angeles.
On April 4, 1984, 13 of 15 Security Council member-states endorse draft res.S/16463, condemning the U.S. policy of aggression towards Nicaragua as violating international law. The U.S. employs its veto to override them (final vote: 13-1-1).
And then what do you think happened? The U.S. went on to get 83 gold medals. Bravo! These are just two examples of Western deadly hypocrisy, not even the tip of the iceberg.
So, why only Tibet? Why suddenly now? What is so special about Tibet? Is it because of that “special spiritual connection” that the empty white Westerner (he thinks) has with Tibet? The empty white vegetarian Westerner would rather have a gentle, cute little Tibetan monk at his/her dinner table than a Fedayin (Palestinian freedom fighter) with his/her head wrapped in a kuffiya holding a Kalashnikov, right? How deep can cowardice and hypocrisy go?
Why is China being suddenly demonized? I mean, what do you expect from a dictatorship when the greatest democracy in the world, the U.S.A, is running a gulag called Guantanamo on stolen land from Cuba?
And, what is it with the Olympics anyway? China should never have gotten them in the first place! None of the Western powers should be allowed anywhere near the Olympic flame, either! Hell, the Olympics should be abolished altogether! It has become painfully ridiculous, to say the least, to hold such an event when the great majority of the population in the world lives in misery, when between 25 000 and 30 000 people are dying daily of hunger in the 21st century. As if there weren’t enough sports on TV already to keep people dumb, we need some more Olympic crap and let us rejoice when instead we should be screaming at the top of our lungs at the injustice that surrounds us!
The Western governments are in no position to criticize China. It’s like a rapist criticizing another rapist. They criticize China but keep doing business with it. Doing business with China is much more profitable than trying to get justice for Tibet. No wonder this injustice has been going on for more than 50 years. Remember how the West profited from its relationship with white apartheid South Africa that lasted up to the mid-nineties?! And Mandela spent almost 30 years in prison so that the West could continue doing business with a bunch of white racists. And they even gave the Nobel Peace Prize to de Klerk who, in a just world, shoul have ended up on Robben Island.
“I was called a terrorist yesterday, but when I came out of jail, many people embraced me, including my enemies, and that is what I normally tell other people who say those who are struggling for liberation in their country are terrorists. I tell them that I was also a terrorist yesterday, but, today, I am admired by the very people who said I was one” Mandela
Socialist/Communist governments cannot take sides with China just out of leftwing solidarity and for the sake of opposing the imperialist West. Peoples do have the right to self-determination!
Although China may be an important business partner of the West, it is mainly seen as a rival. If you look at the map of the world, China is almost totally surrounded by U.S. military bases or military installations.
To get back to the good-for-nothing Dalai Lama, he has done more harm than good to the Tibetan cause. By playing by the Western rules which always demand peaceful methods of resistance on the part of the oppressed peoples whom the West is raping (Look at what has happened to Suu Kyi in Myanmar. Fallen into oblivion. Where is the Western cavalry?), the Dalai Lama and his Western “supporters” have allowed Tibetan culture to go almost extinct, particularly the Tibetan language. In Tibet right now, there are more Chinese than Tibetans, millions were forced to flee, Chinese businesses, casinos, departments stores, brothels, luxurious hotels are flourishing and out of hundreds of Tibetan temples, there are only a few left, among other things. So, what are the D. Lama’s achievements beside a few pictures of him with Richard Gere and Stephen Segal?
The Dalai Lama should be pushed aside by the younger generation of Tibetans. He could easily find a lucrative job as a spiritual guide to the Hollywood lost souls. Tibet should establish stronger ties with the rest of the oppressed third world, arm itself and put up a resistance fight against the Chinese colonizers.
To me, China has become just another player in the capitalist game so it might as well go down. I just hope it takes the West with it. Then maybe we’ll have some peace.
To the West: Fuck off!
To the Dalai Lama: “There is no such thing as part freedom.” Mandela
To the Western hypocrite protesters: where is your (even spiritual) indignation about the Irakis, Palestinians, Chechens, Kurds, Africa, and many, many, many others?
As for the Olympic flame….well, to the flames!
Brkic Sulejman
Thursday, May 1, 2008
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